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Conversation details overview

You can open your conversations by clicking on them from the Messenger page.

This will open the conversation details in the right-hand-side panel of the screen and give you numerous possibilities to manage your contact information from one place.

The top section allows you to add a contact to your Favorite by clicking the 'star' icon, send it to the DNC list by clicking the little 'person' icon to the right of the contact's name, or send it to your integrated CRM* (*only available to the Pro and Elite users and requires a set Zapier integration)




By default, each conversation opens to the Messages tab, where you can see the conversation history with this contact, the dates and times of the messages/calls, and the names of the campaigns the messages were sent from.

Note: Dates and times display according to the timezone you're currently in.


From this tab, you can carry on the conversation with this lead and send SMS manually. Just enter a reply to your contact and hit 'Send' to send it out instantly. There is a max of 160 characters per SMS (*there is an opt-out removal feature on our Elite plan that allows you to remove opt-out language and enter more characters).

You can attach a file from your computer to your reply by clicking on the little 'paperclip' icon. We accept .jpeg, .png, and .jpg files with a maximum size of 5 MB.

You can include a smile in your reply - just click on the 'Smile' icon to select one from the list.

You can also use your saved macros by clicking on the little 'm' icon. This would open the 'Macros' list you can select a macro from, and also, you can go straight to the 'Macros' section by selecting 'Create New/Edit Macro.'

The following indicates the status of your message:

  • Grey tick - undelivered
  • Blue tick - delivered
  • Red exclamation - unsent message



Note: Messages with your contacts will be blurred if your account is Inactive.

The Info tab gives you all the information about this contact.

First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email, Property Address, and Mailing Address fields get auto-filled from the groups you're uploading if you map the corresponding headers before the verification (Check this article for details).

However, you can always change this data (except for the Phone Number) by clicking on the field itself or the little 'pencil' icon next to it. All the changes made will apply to this contact's details under Contacts.






From the Info tab, you can easily call your leads by clicking on the 'phone' icon next to their number:



Each calling minute is charged according to your plan.

The system limits the call duration to 30 minutes.

You can also look up the property address on Google Maps by clicking on the icon to the far right of the Property Address field:


The Outgoing number field shows the approved outgoing number from the list of your purchased numbers that got assigned to this thread. This is the number your lead receives SMS/ calls from.



The Groups field shows all the groups you have this contact on. From the drop-down list, you can remove a contact from a group by clicking the 'X' next to its name, or you can add a contact to any other saved group by clicking the Select Group field and selecting the desired group





The Labels field shows the labels assigned to this contact so far. You can click on this field to trigger a drop-down menu with the selection of all the available labels and change the labels assigned.




The Campaigns field shows all campaigns this contact was messaged within. It cannot be edited and is updated automatically once the contact gets messaged within a new campaign.



The fields below are typical for the accounts with the REI industry selected. Each field can be filled in manually by clicking on it.



The Follow up on the field allows you to schedule a follow-up with the lead on the Calendar. Just click on the field, and you'll get a calendar pop-up to select the desired date and time. Once selected, the contact will be added to the Calendar tab.





The Mark Deal Closed button gives you a fun way to track and celebrate your success. Once pressed, it adds the stats on the closed deals to the Reporting page.






Finally, the Notes section allows you to keep track of all the interactions with this contact by leaving short notes for yourselves. These notes are not visible to the Contact, so write down whatever you feel suitable - it can be handy when managing thousands of contacts.

