Reporting page overview

You can track all your stats on the platform usage under the Reporting page:




The data can be filtered by:

  • Date Range
    By default, the system displays stats for the last seven days, yet you can easily select a different time range either by choosing one of the options on the left (Today, This Month, Last Month, Last 30 days) or by selecting a custom date range on the Calendar pop-up


  • Campaigns
    By default, the system shows results for all available campaigns in the selected date range. Yet, you can select any of your Active/Paused/Ended campaigns from the drop-down list to filter stats for a specific campaign.


    Note: When you select a campaign, the data for this campaign will be displayed for the date range selected.
  • Message Template
    By default, the system shows data for all message templates used within the selected date range, but you can filter results for each of your message templates separately.


    Note: When a specific campaign is selected, the system will show stats for each template within the selected campaign only.
    Tip: If you see a little higher block rate in a campaign, you may check stats for each of your templates separately to find the most blocked one, as specific templates may be classified as spam by carriers in some situations.

Campaigns Run - this column shows the number of campaigns started in the selected date range. The start date is considered to be the date the first message in a campaign was sent on.

Delivery Rate - shows the percentage of initial campaign messages that were delivered in the selected date range/ campaign/ for the selected template.

The system calculates it using this formula: Number of delivered messages x 100% / Number of initial messages sent.

Response Rate - shows the percentage of the initial campaign messages that were responded to in the selected date range/ campaign/ for the selected template.

The system calculates it using this formula: Number of messages that got responses x 100% / Number of initial messages sent.

Carrier Block Rate - shows the percentage of the initial campaign messages that were blocked by the carriers in the selected date range/ campaign/ for the selected template.

The system calculates it using this formula: Number of messages that were blocked x 100% / Number of initial messages sent.

Total SMS Sent - this column shows the total of all messages sent in the selected date range/ campaign/ for the selected template. Note this number includes both initial messages sent with the blast and messages sent manually in individual conversation threads with your leads.

Total SMS Received - this column shows the number of inbound messages received on the platform in the selected date range/ campaign/ for the selected template.

Closed Deals - the number of deals you marked as closed on the Messenger page in the selected date range/ campaign/ for the selected template.

If you're using labels, which we encourage you to do, you can also track all the labeled leads in the given date range/ campaign by clicking the More button. The system will display the number of labels assigned to the responded messages (conversation threads).

